Terms and Conditions


These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: «General Terms» or «Terms») regulate the rules for using the mobile Meddox application and the Meddox.com website, the functionality of the application, the rights and obligations of the user of the Meddox application and Meddox.com website, the owner of the application and the protection of those user's personal data.


The Meddox mobile application (hereinafter: «Application») and the Meddox.com website (hereinafter «Website») and its links are the property of the company Meddox digital d.o.o., with its registered seat in Zagreb, Ilica 1A, registered with the court register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb under number (MBS) 081334639, PIN 05521952379 (hereinafter referred to as «Meddox» or «the Company»). Meddox is the Company trademark and any use of the trademark without the previous written consent of the Company is forbidden. Copying or using any part of the Website or Application without the previous written approval of the Company is not allowed. These Terms published on the Website are valid for all content found in the Application and on the Website.


By accessing the Application or Website, users of the Application or the Website accept the Terms and the obligation to monitor any changes or additions that may be made.


The privacy and cookie policies are considered an integral part of these Terms.


The Terms were last updated 25 March 2025, and the Company as the issuer reserves the right to update and publish the changed Terms if the need arises. 


On posting the new Terms on the Website and in the Application, these new Terms will be deemed valid. Notice of changes to the Terms will also be communicated to users through Company notifications.


The user is any natural or legal person that accesses the Application or the Website (hereinafter: the «User»).


The Application serves for: (i) digital archiving of personal medical documentation of the User, (ii) organization of medical documentation which the User has digitally archived, (iii) as a reminder system for taking medication and nutritional supplements in accordance with the information entered in the Application independently by the User, (iv) as a reminder of check-ups or other (medical) events for the User, (v) as an appointment system of the User for check-ups and diagnostic tests in selected health institutions, (vi) as a system for automatically receiving the User's medical documentation from selected collaborating health institutions and the associated Website.


During registration in the Application, the User specifies his password and/or PIN for accessing the Application, which is an important security factor for the use of the Application. The User is obliged to keep his own password and PIN safe and change them as necessary. The Company is not responsible for the loss of a password or PIN of the User, nor for the acquisition of the User’s password or PIN by a third party. In the case of an observed misuse of the password or the PIN of the User, the User may notify the Company thereon by e-mail on the following e-mail address dpo@meddox.com and the Company will immediately take action to terminate access to the profile of the User with that password or PIN.


In addition, Meddox enables Users to enter the Application, i.e. the so-called Login also through social networks, i.e. through Google and/or Apple and through biometric protection. The User is allowed to choose the method of entering the Application, i.e. identification when entering the Application in order to access the Profile and other possibilities/services that the Application provides to registered users.


In order to use the Application, the User must be registered in the Application. During registration, the User fills in the data that are necessary for User registration. During registration, the User agrees with the use and processing of personal data, and agrees to these Terms. The User can always deactivate the User’s profile, whereby the User’s data will be kept, but the User will not be able to access them.

Profile deactivation is not the same as profile deletion, i.e. profile deactivation is not considered profile deletion.


Unlike deactivation, when the profile is not permanently deleted, the User can delete the profile himself using the "Delete profile" option. In the aforementioned case, all the User's personal data will be deleted, except for data with which Meddox can prove that the User deleted the profile himself, namely: ID; e-mail, date and time of deletion.


Furthermore, the User can contact the Company at any time to delete the profile. In the case of a request to delete a profile, the User must be unequivocally identified before the deletion itself. After the identification of the User, the Company will delete the User's profile, i.e. all the User's data except for his request to delete the profile and data showing which of the Company's authorized persons deleted the User's profile and at what time (deletion log), which is important for proving the exercise of User’s rights.


Accuracy of the data entered into the Application by the User is the sole responsibility of the User and the User is solely responsible for the accuracy and completeness of data entered into the Application. The Company does not control, is not responsible and does not guarantee the accuracy of the data entered into the Application by the Users, nor does it have any responsibility in the event of direct or indirect damage to the User or third parties due to the publication of incorrect data by the User in the Application. Once entered, the data can be updated in the profile of the User. By accepting these Terms, Users explicitly waive claims for compensation for any damage, material or non-material, arising from incorrect data of the User or third parties (for example, selected doctors or collaborating health institutions) stated in the Application.


By accessing the Application or Website, the User undertakes to act in accordance with the laws and bylaws of the Republic of Croatia and the legal regulations of the European Union.


The Company will not cover any expenses that the User might have by using the Application or by any other action connected with the Application or the Website. If a dispute arises between the Users, the Users will endeavour to resolve the same mutually, whilst the Company will have no responsibility. In the event of a dispute between the User and Meddox's collaborating health institutions, the dispute will be resolved by the Users and the collaborating health institutions, while the Company will not bear any responsibility.


On the Application or Website, it is prohibited to publish any inappropriate content, content that is against the law or morals of society, and disturbing or any other content that may in any way harm or disturb minors or anyone else. Behaviour that in any way affects the violation of valid regulations of the Republic of Croatia or threatens the fundamental values ​​and values ​​of the Republic of Croatia is prohibited.


The Company has no control nor possibility to filter content before its publication in the Application, but, in the event of noticing offensive content in the Application that is not in accordance with these Terms, it may immediately remove the content, independently, or at the request of other Users.


The Company keeps the right to delete the user account of those Users that do not observe the Terms. In case of violation of the applicable legislation of the Republic of Croatia, especially those violations by the User which lead to the suspicion that a criminal offense has been committed and/or fundamental Constitutional and other principles of the legal system of the Republic of Croatia are violated. In the latter case, the Company reserves the right to initiate further proceedings before competent authorities against such Users in accordance with the laws applicable in the Republic of Croatia.


In the event of possible disputes, all parties will endeavour to solve them amicably. Otherwise, the competent court in Zagreb has jurisdiction.


The Application can be downloaded for free from the App Store and Google Play.


Before installing the Application, and in order for the installation to be successful, the User must ensure:

  • Internet access,
  • a device that supports the operating system iOS >= 14 or Android >= 6.1,
  • available space for data storage on the device.

It is important to note that some smartphone manufacturers may have issues with Google Play Protect certification, which may affect the ability to download or run the app. Also, devices using custom ROMs or "rooted" will not have access to the Google Play Store or apps that require security features disabled by rooting, and therefore will not be able to download the App.


After installing the Meddox mobile application, and in order for the application to function properly, the user must:

  • accept these Terms,
  • accept the Privacy Policy and the related internal act of the Company on the use of cookies,
  • register a user account by entering your e-mail and password,
  • enter mandatory data in the application.

Technical Support


The owner of the Application provides technical support to the User regarding additional questions about the use of the Application, difficulties or inability to use the Application.


Technical support is provided by contacting the owner of the Application via the customer support contact details. Users can contact info@meddox.com, all with the aim of solving user and/or other queries related to the Application itself and/or the Website.


All User inquiries which do not relate to the protection of personal data will be answered as soon as possible i.e. within a period of 15 calendar days, in accordance with current legal regulations. If the User addresses the Data Protection Officer or user support with a question or request related to data protection, the query will be answered as soon as possible, and certainly within one month from the receipt of the query or user identification (if this is necessary for solving the User's query or request). Exceptionally, the deadline of one month can be extended if necessary by two further months if necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of requests. The Company informs the User of any such extension within one month of receiving the request, together with the reasons for the postponement.


The Company will promptly and in a clear and visible manner inform the User about the available update of the Application, depending on whether the User downloaded the Application from the App Store or Google Play. The Company will not be responsible for non-compliance in the Application’s functioning which is the result of the User's failure to install the relevant update of the Application.


Functionality of the application

The Meddox application allows the User to:

  • digital archiving and organization of personal medical documentation
  • reminder for taking medication and nutritional supplements in accordance with the information entered in the Application independently by the User,

  • review of intake of medication and nutritional supplements,
  • reminder to go to the appointed doctor/diagnostic examination,

  • the option of ordering an appointment for health check-ups and diagnostic tests in selected collaborating health institutions, 

  • the option of automatic delivery of medical documentation from selected Meddox collaborating health institutions to the account (profile) of the User in the Application, 

  • all relevant information about health as well as the possibility of creating a list of what to bring to the doctor with the possibility of scanning the findings that can be sent to the doctor by e-mail,

  • links to certain websites that are important for health,

  • diary – symptom tracker and graphic representation of symptom severity,

  • educational content on public health topics,

  • contacts of associations, doctors and various relevant institutions,

  • various other notifications and informative articles relevant to the personal health (individual or group) of the User, the functioning of the application and/or for public health interests, i.e. public health, 

  • receiving different informative articles i.e. newsletters on different topics, all depending on the individual interests and needs of the User, and

  • connecting with doctors and other experts relevant for health and/or creation of public health policies.


(hereinafter: «Services»).


With regard to all the above-mentioned functionalities of the Application, we especially emphasize that when using the option of ordering on health examinations and diagnostic tests in selected collaborating health institutions, the option of automatic delivery of medical documents from selected collaborating health institutions of Meddox to the account (profile) of the User in the Application is automatically activated. 


The above means that the use of the functionality of ordering health examinations and diagnostic tests in selected collaborating medical institutions implies the automatic delivery of medical documentation from selected collaborating medical institutions of Meddox to the account (profile) of the User in the Application.


The User is responsible for entering the correct phone/mobile phone number for ordering health examinations and diagnostic tests in selected collaborating health institutions, otherwise, it will not be possible to complete the ordering process for selected health examinations and diagnostic tests in selected collaborating health institutions.


Collaborating medical institutions in this case means the institution where the User ordered a health checkup and diagnostic test.


Advertisements that are placed on the Application or Website are not the responsibility of the Company, but of the advertiser. Any content, their correctness and implementation published by the User/advertiser is the sole responsibility of the User, while the Company is in no way responsible for that content, its validity and realisation.


Advertisements of third parties or of advertising networks (banners) may be found in the Application or Website. The Company has no responsibility for the contents of these advertisements. As soon as the Company is aware of any inappropriate, illegal or harmful content, it will immediately remove that advertisement from the Website or Application. Third party advertisements may use tools to measure the successfulness of an advertisement and may have privacy rules that are different from those of the Company.


Users accept that the Company cannot check and has no responsibility for the activity tracking tools (cookies) of third parties.  


In the event that an advertisement with a prize competition or a third party questionnaire is published on the Application or Website, the Company is in no way responsible for the organization and content of such a prize competition or questionnaire.


The Company may communicate with Users through messages that come to Users as notifications of the Application or through e-mail or through push messages to the device on which the Application has been installed. Informing Users about scheduled check-ups or reminders for taking medication and nutritional supplements which the User has independently entered into the Application is part of the Application's specifications or functionality. In case the User does not want to receive Application’s notifications and/or messages through the e-mail and/or push messages on the device which has the Application installed thereon, the User can deactivate this service in the settings of his device and/or by cancelling the subscription to the newsletter in the footer of the e-mail.


If the user sends the user support a request to cancel the subscription to the newsletter, the user support will cancel the sending of the newsletter to the User as soon as possible, and no later than within 3 working days. For more efficient cancellation, Meddox has enabled the User to automatically cancel the subscription to the newsletter, therefore, the User is suggested to cancel the subscription using that option in the footer of the e-mail.


The use of the Application and Website is free for consumers. Consumers are natural persons which use the Application in non-commercial and nonprofessional matters. Users i.e. consumers will not pay a fee to Meddox for the services of ordering an appointment for health check-ups or diagnostic test in selected health institutions through the Application, but will pay for the services of check-ups and diagnostic tests directly to the health institution where the agreed services will be preformed and in accordance with that institutions valid price list.


Legal entities will pay the Company a fee for the use of the Application. The fee and the dynamics of the payment of the fee will be agreed between the Company and each legal entity separately.


The User can use the Application for Services. The Company does not control the way the User uses the Services or the Application itself and the User is solely responsible for the way the Application and Services are used.


The Application is primarily a tool to the User that, based on the information and data stored by the User in the Application, enables the User to use the Services and at the same time:

  • to enter information that enables the User to create reminders for taking medication and nutritional supplements, as well as reminders for going to a scheduled health check-ups or diagnostic test;

  • review of the use of medication and nutritional supplements;

  • monitoring of symptoms;

  • sending medical reports to the doctor’s (or other selected natural and/or legal person) e-mail address;

  • receiving medical documentation from selected collaborating health institutions in the Republic of Croatia;

  • ordering health check-ups and diagnostic tests in selected collaborating health institutions in the Republic of Croatia;

  • reading useful and in accordance with the needs and interests selected content; and similar.

The Application and the Website may contain information or terms related to clarifying or displaying data entered by the User. The Company uses and provides information from verified and publicly available sources, as follows:

  1. The names of diagnoses according to the International Classification of Diseases ICD-10.

  2. The names and reference intervals of medical-biochemical parameters according to the manual: Čvorišćec, Dubravka; Flegar-Meštrić, Zlata; Juretić, Dubravka Harmonization of laboratory findings in the field of general medical biochemistry, 2004 (study), and other sources.

  3. A list of doctors from the HZZO (Croatian Health Insurance Fund) and other websites.

  4. A list of medicines – database of medicines of the Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices.

  5. Recommendations of an Expert Council organized by the Company.

The Application and Website do not provide any sort of therapy or diagnostic recommendations. If the User is concerned about his/her health, the User should contact his doctor, pharmacist or other appropriate medical personnel. Also, the Application and the Website do not replace consulting a doctor or a medical professional in any way, and the purpose of the information published in the Application and on the Website is not medical counselling or pharmacotherapy. 


The information published on the Application or Website is not intended for diagnosing or treatment. The User should always consult with medical personnel for medical advice. 


The Application and the Website do not serve to diagnose conditions or diseases of the User or third parties in any way, do not guarantee the User’s or third party’s recovery or in any way replace therapy prescribed by a doctor, medical personnel and/or therapist.


Meddox does not guarantee the constant availability of all the functionality of the Application as well as its flawless operation. The User accepts that there may be circumstances affecting the operation of the Application, which are not the responsibility of Meddox as the owner of the Application.


By accepting these Terms, the User agrees that the Company will not be responsible for illegal access to personal data or use of personal data provided by the User or any other Users, resulting from:

  • false representation of that person to the Company; or

  • access by unauthorized persons who violate the Company's protection against such access; or

  • are the result of a violation of these Terms by the User and/or other Users.

In any case the User, by accepting these Terms, consents that, in the event of any violation of any provision of these Terms, infringement of the rights of Users and/or of third persons indefinitely, of copyright, of violation of trade secrets or any other rights, either by the User or by a third party, that/those User/Users and/or third parties who access the Application or the Website will not incriminate the Company, its shareholders (registered with the court register of Republic of Croatia), the Company’s authorised representatives, the Company’s employees, other companies affiliated with the Company from any responsibility regarding the actions described in this section of these Terms by the User/Users and/or third parties, and at the same time agree they will not have or claim any compensation on this basis.


By accepting these Terms, the User releases the Company from any liability for any resulting (indirect and/or direct, incidental or consequential) damage as well as for potential damage that has or may arise as well as for any other loss (including loss of profit or User’s data), costs or payments that have occurred as a result of using the Application or the Website and which arose as a result of (direct and/or indirect) messages or other action of the User in/on the Application that may contain viruses, bugs, or the like, and which a third party could transmit to the User via an e-mail or through some other channel.


SSL protocol


The Company uses the SSL protocol to secure your data. The use of the SSL protocol provides a higher level of privacy and security than an unencrypted Internet connection. It reduces the risk of third parties intercepting and misusing data. The SSL protocol label looks like this  and is located at the beginning of the toolbar.



It is strictly forbidden to send any messages that are spam in nature, pyramid schemes, chain letters or messages that contain any viruses, bugs or other elements that could harm any User.


The Company uses the Amazon web data storage service provider.


The Amazon data storage server is located in Frankfurt, Germany. The Company retains control of this information and protects it with technical and administrative measures to reduce the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, confidentiality or change. Some of the measures the Company uses include a firewall and data encryption.


The User becomes a user of the Application by installing the Application and accepting these Terms when starting the Application for the first time.


By using the Application, user account/profile data (for example, e-mail, password, IP address, first and last name, date of birth, gender, PIN, address, phone number) and medical data of the User entered in the Application (diagnosis, symptoms and medications) are collected. The data required for processing may differ depending on the particular functionality of the Application.


If the Application crashes or stops working, information about the Application crash or termination are collected (specifications of the User's device and the last few seconds of activity within the Application).


Without using the specified mandatory categories of personal data it is not possible to use all the functionalities of the Application and Meddox’s services.


The User can independently enter into the Application some data that is not necessary for the basic functioning of the Application. If the User voluntarily enters this data, the owner of the Application will process it.


The Data Controller is Meddox. The User can contact the Data Controller by contacting the Data Protection Officer via e-mail: dpo@meddox.com or +385 95 1234 098.


The User can find out more about data protection here.


One becomes the User of the Application by registering in the Application.


The User can always deactivate its User profile in the Application, which will keep the User’s data, but the User will not be able to access the data until the reactivate the profile.


Unlike deactivation, deleting a User’s profile in the Application leads to the impossibility of restoring the deleted data and profile of the User. Deleting the profile does not affect the stored and imaged documentation that the User has stored in his/her mobile or other device or that the User has shared in another way with the doctor or third parties.


User’s profile deactivation does not directly lead to User’s profile deletion. If the User wants to delete his/her data, the User can, beside directly in the Application, at any time submit a written request for deletion of data that the User stored in the Application via email dpo@meddox.com


After deletion of the User’s profile, the Company will not have access to the User's personal data.


After the deactivation of the User’s profile, the User’s personal data which the User has given the Company in the process of registration and using of the Application can be anonymized, whereby the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) does not apply.


In case of complaint, the Users and third parties can contact the Company in the registered address of the Company, the address Ilica 1A, Zagreb, by post (mail) on the address Ilica 1A, Zagreb, or by e-mail at the e-mail: dpo@meddox.com. In such instances, the obligation of the Company to respond to complaints (within legally stipulated period) is 15 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.


In the event that the User sends the Company a request or a question regarding the case of protection of privacy and personal data, the Company will provide the User with a reply within the legally stipulated period of one month from the date of receipt of the User’s request or question, whereby the specified period can be extended.

In the event of a complaint, the Company will try to respond as soon as possible, depending on the complexity and content of the complaint.


The User can call the contact number +385 95 1234 098, and in order to determine what is the problem in question and to redirect the User to either technical or legal or other support.


These Terms and Conditions enter into force on 25 March 2025. 


Meddox digital d.o.o.

Ilica 1A

10 000 Zagreb


Contact information:

+385 95 1234 098 info@meddox.com

User support:

+385 95 1234 098 info@meddox.com

User complaints:

+385 95 1234 098 complaint@meddox.comdpo@meddox.com

Data Protection Officer:

+385 95 1234 098 complaint@meddox.comdpo@meddox.com


OIB: 05521952379

MBS: 081334639

Register number: 05333946

Bank account:  Erste banka 

IBAN: HR2824020061101001710



Authorized representative: 

Krešimir Kuleš


Share capital:

€‎8.800,00 paid in full


Working hours:

Mon- Fri 08 - 16 h


MEDDOX DIGITAL limited liability company is registered in the Commerical Court in Zagreb under: Tt-20/38485-4-2.